Alcohol Lamp Laboratory Apparatus Uses

Alcohol Lamp Laboratory Apparatus Uses

When to use an alcohol lamp in laboratory?

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1. When to use an alcohol lamp in laboratory?

Alcohol lamps can be used when you want to boil chemicals or heat things.

2. What is the function of alcohol lamp in laboratory?

it is used to produce an open flame

3. uses of laboratory apparatus​




sorry need ko

4. a laboratory apparatus used to measure volume and container​




hope it helps you

5. give a some of laboratory apparatus and their uses???

dropper- droping liquid conical flask u tube you can ask if this four examples is wrong 

6. laboratory apparatus used in distillation process

distilling flask
recieving flask
iron stand
wire guaze

7. 13. What apparatus is used to measure the volume of liquid? A. Alcohol lamp B. Graduated cylinder C. Weighing scale D. Ruler​

✏️What apparatus is used to measure the volume of liquid? A. Alcohol lamp

B. Graduated cylinder C. Weighing scale D. Ruler


hope it help


8. What is the laboratoryapparatus used by themicrobiologist to studymicroorganisms? *​


Microbiology equipment include microscopes; slides; test tubes; petri dishes; growth mediums, both solid and liquid; inoculation loops; pipettes and tips; incubators; autoclaves, and laminar flow hoods.

9. List of laboratory apparatus with their uses

test tube- use to hold the chemicals for observation
test tube holder- used for holding a test tube for heating
test tube rack- use to hold more test tube for observation
Erlenmeyer flask- used for measuring volumes of liquids
evaporating dish- used to evaporate excess solvents
funnel- used to channel liquids or fine-grained substances into containers w/ small opening
alcohol lamp- used to produced an open flame
tripod- used for holding a wire gauze
beaker- used for mixing, heating, and stirring liquids
Bunsen burner- used in laboratory that produces a single open gas flame which is used for heating, sterilization, and combustion
platform balance- a form of equal-arm balance in which 2 flat platforms are attached to the top side of the beam, one at each end. used for weighing and measuring

10. give me at least 5 laboratory apparatus and their uses.

1. Beakers are useful as a reaction container or to hold liquid or solid samples. They are also used to catch liquids from titrations and filtrates from filtering operations.

2. Bunsen burners are sources of heat.

3. Burets are for addition of a precise volume of liquid. The volume of liquid added can be determined to the nearest 0.01 mL with practice.

4. Clay triangles are placed on a ring attached to a ring stand as a support for a funnel, crucible, or evaporating dish.

5. Droppers are for addition of liquids drop by drop1.Beakers- are useful as a reaction container or to hold liquid or solid samples. They are also used to catch a liquids from titrations and filtrates from filtering operations.
2.Bunsen Burnes- are sources of heat.
3.Droppers- are for addition of liquids drop by drop.
4.Test Tube- are for holding small samples or for containing small-scale reactions.
5.Tongs- are similar in functions to forceps but are useful for larger items.

11. A type of data that are measured using laboratory apparatus and equipment. ​


Scientific Data


hope it helps.. Shalom

12. ej accidentally knocked off the still being alcohol lamp that started the fire in the laboratory.​


Ano po Yung buong Tanong Para masagot ko po

13. conclusion about the common laboratory apparatus used for microbiological examination​


Microbiology equipment include microscopes; slides; test tubes; petri dishes; growth mediums, both solid and liquid; inoculation loops; pipettes and tips; incubators; autoclaves, and laminar flow hoods.

14. Activity 2 1. Name at least 2 laboratory apparatus you found inside the lab.2. Can you identify their uses? 3. Why is it important to use laboratory apparatus?​

1. Beaker and Watch glasses

2. A beaker is a common container in most labs. It is used for mixing, stirring, and heating chemicals. A watch glass is just a round piece of glass that is slightly concave/convex (think of a lens). It can hold a small amount of liquid or solid. They can be used for evaporation purposes and also can function as a lid for a beaker.

3.Help students learn scientific concepts and to enhance students' interest, motivation, practical skills and problem solving abilities.

15. 10 common laboratory apparatus and their uses. ​

yan na two photos yan

16. Laboratory apparatus used to containing liquid substance

beaker, test tubes, erlenmeyer flask, florence flask

17. laboratory apparatus and its uses of E-plask​


These flasks are used for mixing, measuring & heating chemicals, samples and solutions.


I hope it helps

18. why is it important to know the uses of laboratory apparatus

It is important to know because we will know what are their functions are and without them, an item cannot be done or achieve. 

19. 5 list precautionary measures in using laboratory equipment or apparatus.


Basic Safety Rules:

When working in a laboratory, basic safety rules for laboratory conduct should be followed. Many of the most important safety rules are outlined below.

Know locations of laboratory safety showers, eyewashstations, and fire extinguishers. The safety equipment may be located in the hallway near the laboratory entrance.Know emergency exit routes.Avoid skin and eye contact with all chemicals.Minimize all chemical exposures.No horseplay will be tolerated.Assume that all chemicals of unknown toxicity are highly toxic.Post warning signs when unusual hazards, hazardous materials, hazardous equipment, or other special conditions are present.Avoid distracting or startling persons working in the laboratory.Use equipment only for its designated purpose.Combine reagents in their appropriate order, such as adding acid to water.Avoid adding solids to hot liquids.All laboratory personnel should place emphasis on safety and chemical hygiene at all times.Never leave containersof chemicals open.All containersmust have appropriate labels. Unlabeled chemicals should never be used.Do not taste or intentionally sniff chemicals.Never consume and/or store food or beverages or apply cosmetics in areas where hazardous chemicalsare used or stored.Do not use mouth suction for pipetting or starting a siphon.Wash exposed areas of the skin prior to leaving the laboratory.Long hair and loose clothing must be pulled back and secured from entanglement or potential capture.No contact lenses should be worn around hazardous chemicals – even when wearing safety glasses.Laboratory safety glasses or goggles should be worn in any area where chemicals are used or stored. They should also be worn any time there is a chance of splashes or particulates to enter the eye. Closed toe shoes will be worn at all times in the laboratory. Perforated shoes or sandals are not appropriate.


20. if a laboratory apparatus is not properly use how will it affect your experiment​


the experiment will not be accurate and it will be ruined

21. what is the different apparatus instrument use in laboratory​


Test Tube




22. Which laboratory apparatus should be used to measure the mass of matter​




Scientists measure mass with a balance, such as a triple beam balance or electronic balance. In science, the volume of a liquid might be measured with a graduated cylinder.





That's the only thing I knew☺️

23. laboratory apparatus used to making smaller objects appear bigger

you can use a microscope if you want to view microorganisms and you can also use magnifying glass just to see details of objects especially if these are not microscopic

24. choose 5 laboratory apparatus you intend to use when you conduct an experiment. briefly describe what your experiment will be about and the use of your chosen laboratory apparatus


C.throw a rockC.throw a rockC.throw a rock

25. 5 laboratory apparatus used for investigation describe their function

1. Microscope:

A microscope is a very basic and needful equipment of biology laboratory. A simple light microscope (compound microscope) is the one, and it uses natural light and a series of magnifying lenses to observe a tiny specimen.

2. Test tubes:

The next very common apparatus are the test tubes. They are usually cylindrical pipes made up of glass, with a circular opening on one side and a rounded bottom on the other side. They come in different sizes but the most common standard size is 18*150 mm. Test tubes are one of the most important apparatus as they are functional from storing to mixing reagents in any chemical or biological reactions.

3. Beakers:

Beakers are another cylindrical utensil made up of glass, with a flat bottom and the upper opening having a spout. They are of varying sizes and are used to hold, heat, or mix substances with the proper measure.

4. Magnifying glass:

As the name suggests, it is used to view enlarged or magnified images of objects or read the small calibrations marked on many equipments. It has a convex lens for object enlargement and usually has a wooden handle to hold it.

5. Volumetric flask:

This is one of the most important equipment of any lab, which is made up of glass and is calibrated to hold a precise volume of liquids at any precise temperature. Different sizes of volumetric flasks are available, each calibrated for exact measurement of liquids and solutions. In chemistry labs, it is mostly used in the preparation of standard solutions.

26. Why is it essential that you know the laboratory apparatus and it’s use?


We should always know your lab equipment well before you do any type of experiment because without the proper knowledge of your equipment you will not know how to use your materials or how to correct a mistake that you could make with your equipment. Over and above the reasons mentioned, knowing one's science equipment will only aid in having a successful experiment and might help in correcting errors.


Hope this helps you!!


27. whatis the use of safety mask in laboratory apparatus

For you to avoid accidentally inhaling the chemicals that you are working with

28. Laboratory apparatus used in in the experiment to measure the pH of the water samples.


A laboratory pH meter typically has a special probe capped with a membrane that is sensitive to H+ ion concentrations. The meter reading shows an exact pH value of the solution probed. pH meters are used to measure pH values of water samples, such as determining acidity of rainwater samples.

29. 5 laboratory apparatus used to measure solid​

Explanation: Graduated cylinders, beakers, volumetric pipets, burets and volumetric flasks are five kinds of glassware often used to measure out specific volumes.

30. Apparatus used in microbiology laboratory

microscope is one of the apparatus that we an uce

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